Irrigation Management Transfer in Mexico: Moving Toward Sustainability

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"Transfer of the management of irrigation and maintenance from public agencies to water users associations and other forms of local management is a global phenomena. Mexico is in the forefront of this movement as in the past five years it has transferred 2.6 million ha's of its total 3.5 million ha's of publicly irrigated land to various forms of local management. This paper uses primary and secondary data to study impacts of the transfer program on both local users and the National Water Commission. These impacts include changes in agricultural profitability and public sector investment. As the transfer process was implemented as part of a larger structural transformation program in the agricultural sector, the paper also examines the impacts on the local community of changes in the legal status of land and water rights related to traditional communal (ejido) irrigated lands. The final section of the paper explores the longer-term sustainability of irrigation in Mexico and discusses the viability of post-transfer irrigation under local management."



IASC, irrigation, sustainability, agriculture, ejidos, water users' associations

