Diversity and Distribution of Pachyrynchini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae) in Mt. Apo Natural Park, Philippines - JBES

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"The tribe Pachyrynchini (Coleoptera:Curculionidae:Entiminae) with a Philippine centered distribution is poorly studied with mountains like Mt. Apo Natural Park less explored. A combination of belt transect, visual encounter and photo documentation was conducted from May to December, 2015 to document the Pachyrynchini fauna in Mandarangan trail, Mt. Apo Natural Park. Twenty one (21) species belonging to two genera Pachyrynchus and Metapocyrtus were found. Pachyrynchus was represented by four species and 1 subspecies while 17 species represents Metapocyrtus. Species diversity was low with (H’=1.065) as the highest record in the montane forest. Pachyrynchus species were not found in lower montane (800-1000masl) while Metapocyrtus species were more dispersed and observed from lower montane to mossy forest( 800-2400 masl). Fifty percent (50%) of the Pachyrynchini species were noted to have an altitudinal preference to either montane (1000-1500masl) or mossy forest (1600-2400masl). Land use modification (e.g.farming) which has eradicated food and larval host plants of Pachyrynchini species is believed to be one of the reasons of low diversity in the lower montane. The result of the survey represents the baseline data of Pachyrynchini fauna in Mt. Apo Natural Park, Philippines. Conservation efforts especially for the rare and endemic species should be conducted."




