Instituty vysshego obrazovaniya i sotsialnye dilemmy: komparativnyy analiz rossiyskoy i amerikanskoy obrazovatelnoy sistem [The Institutes of the Higher Education and Social Dilemmas: Comparative Analysis of the Russian and American Higher Education Systems
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Pedagogy and Education, #2(10), 151-158
In the article, the institutional processes in the higher education system both in Russia and the USA are analyzed. Higher education is necessary for civic development, because democratic society needs educated citizens to participate in the resolution of actual state tasks. A proposed aim of institutional reform in the Russian university system is to transit to innovation-based education at par with leading universities (similar American ones). Thus, one needs to take into account the institutional features of the American system of higher education. Using the propositions of comparative analysis and new institutionalism, the author analyzes key institutions and their implementation in the Russian education sphere. The author concludes that national education peculiarities must be taken into account when implementing academic and educational institution reforms. Not accounting for these, will not lead to innovative and world-level education, and professional training quality improvement.