Agro-Well and Pump Diffusion in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka: Past Trends, Present Status and Future Prospects


"This study investigates the pattern, extent and causes of the spread and use of agro-wells and pumps for irrigation in traditional villages and irrigated settlement schemes in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. Almost 96 percent of major irrigation schemes (command area more than 80 ha) and 72 percent of minor irrigation schemes are located within the dry zone. Groundwater is the sole or supplementary source of water in irrigating crops. An extensive survey was carried out in all districts in the dry zone. Crystalline rocks are predominant in the area while alluvial aquifers are an important feature in rivers within the study area. In terms of the command area, selected schemes represent more than 30 percent of the command area of major irrigation schemes in the country."



irrigation, groundwater, surveys, farmers' associations, farmer-managed irrigation, arid regions

