Social Aspects of Federal Fishery Management

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"The primary legislation governing Federal fishery management, the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act, contains references to the social aspects of Federal fishery policy. Many of the references have an historical basis resulting from the inherent social conditions and values associated with the fishing community. Other applicable laws, as well as Federal emergency and financial aid programs, contribute to an understanding of the overall Federal policy toward social issues as they relate to fishery management. "At issue is whether the Federal Government should examine its approach to the social aspects of fishery management. Because crucial decisions concerning the future of fishery management are on the horizon, a window of opportunity may exist for evaluation of the Federal role. Overfishing and/or overcapitalization may force fishery managers to adopt strategies (e.g., downsizing) that will have inevitable social repercussions. How social concerns are reflected in fishery legislation will influence how fishery management plans respond to overriding issues, such as resource conservation. A basic conflict may exist between the objectives of resource conservation and a manager's obligation to consider the social consequences of his/her actions. "This report examines historic and current references to the social aspects of fishery management as they appear in legislation, and discusses the importance of considering these issues. A discussion of possible alternative approaches, with regard to the role of the Federal Government, follows."



fisheries, resource management

