Dryland Watershed Development and Management: A Case Study in Karnataka

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"This case study of dryland watershed development and management in the Karnataka State established that the watershed approach to development of dryland agriculture is technically, organisationally, and financially feasible to adopt on a large scale. However, there is need for quantitative measurement of people's participation in the programme and for decomposition of the effect of various components of watershed technology on crop yields and other parameters. The Karnataka's experience revealed that appropriate technology, appropriate organisation structure, technically competent, trained and highly motivated manpower, adequate financial resources, reasonably good supporting infra-structure, people's participation, committed bureaucracy, political will and support at all levels are the major prerequisites for success of a watershed development programme. Wherever these prerequisites are present or can be created and fostered, there are very high chances of successful replication of the Karnataka's model which is essentially a scientific procedure/method of identifying and resolving various problems in watershed development and management."



agriculture, irrigation, water resources

