The Governance of Infrastructures as Common Pool Resources
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"This paper argues that infrastructures (including energy, communication, transport, and post services) can be perceived as common pool resources providing essential services to society. We investigate the features of infrastructures that can be interpreted as common pool resources. Related to four essential functions (system management, capacity management, interconnection and interoperability) we typify common pool resource problems in infrastructures. Since infrastructures are evolving into ever lager, more complex and international systems, the governance of CPR problems seems to shift from vertically integrated firms under strict governmental control towards a distributed market oriented governance. The institutional and technological fragmentation of infrastructures on one hand, and the globalization of the infrastructure networks and business on the other hand, demand new approaches to govern these vital sectors. Interpreting infrastructures as common pool resources provides insights into a 'third way' of regulation based on local initiatives and third sector involvement."
new commons, urban infrastructure, rural infrastructure, transportation, energy, communication, institutional analysis