Water Quality Impediments to Sustainable Aquaculture Development Along Selected Segments of the New Calabar River, Niger Delta, Nigeria

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"Pollution of rivers affects the aquatic life in a variety of ways. The level of pollution depends on the concentration of load discharged into the river. Thus the level of pollution varies from segment to segment along the profile with the downstream more heavily impacted because of cumulative inputs from the different segments. The implication is the variation in aquatic ecosystem productivity at different segments. Water samples at three segments was collect and analyzed for ten (10) Physicochemical parameters pH, temperature, DO, BOD, COD TSS,TDS, Turbidity, Iron and conductivity and the implication of land use influence and infringement on aquatic ecosystem productive highlighted. The results indicated that all the segments were unsuitable for sustainable fisheries production. The upper reach was however relatively better, but in all, aquaculture can only be achieved if water treatment options were taken. The overall assessment indicated a high deterioration of water quality in the river, the pollution source being point and non-point sources. It was suggested that managing (through planning) human activities at the watershed would be urgent steps to ensure effective river pollution mitigation and control."



aquaculture, water pollution, water quality

