A Study on Production and Marketing of Pineapple in Kolli Hills, Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu – India

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"India is the second largest producer of fruits (44 million tons) and vegetables (87.5 million tons) with a unique position in fruits like mango, litchi, banana, pineapple, sapota and grapes. India’s share in the world production is about 10.1% in fruits and 14.4% in vegetables. The future of the Indian farmers depends on the success of the agriculture sector as India’s prosperity is predominantly linked to the growth in income in the agrarian sector of the economy. India has been bestowed with wide range of climate and physio geographical conditions and as such is most suitable for growing various kinds of horticultural crops. Pineapple is the most important American fruit, and the third most important tropical fruit, after banana and mango citrus fruits being produced mainly in subtropical areas. It is cultivated in all tropical and subtropical countries. The common name for one member of and for the Bromeliaceae, a family of chiefly epiphytic herbs and small shrubs. The spiny leaves of various species of the genus Ananas yield a hard fiber called gravata in South America and pina, or pineapple cloth, in the Philippines. The fruit, whose spiny skin is yellowish brown when ripe, is sweet and juicy; it is topped by a distinctive rosette of green leaves. It is grown throughout warmer regions. The economics of pineapple production is indispensable since there is no proper farm business data on its cost of production. The accurate figure on establishment cost, operating cost and input requirement of pineapple orchard would be greatly helpful to the pineapple producers in general. This information will be of immense use to farm financing institutions. Area under pineapple is gradually expanding in the study area district. The present study is an attempt to analyze the feasibility of investment in pineapple gardens and to find out the profitability of pineapple crop."



agriculture, pineapple, markets

