Ecological Economic Modelling for Integrating Environmental Services in the Welfare of Commons: A Case Study in Tonameca Catchment, Oaxaca, Mexico
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"Environmental services had been recognized as an important part of social welfare. In particular, the socio-economic and ecological relevance of coastal regions and impacts are presented as the general framework, for proposing in Tonameca catchment, an ecological economic model, for integrating environmental services in the welfare of commons. Tonameca watershed has 90% of common property land where agriculture and ecotourism are the main economic activities, as well as fisheries. Living conditions improvement depend on the maximization of profits from the previous activities without impairing the environment. An ecological economic model is proposed and described as a method for integrating environmental goods and services, in the production function of economic activities, in order to improve living conditions of the commons in Tonameca catchment. Ecological and economic diagnosis is followed by an optimization of socioeconomic profits.
"Ecosystem diagnosis considers land use changes, water availability and quality as well as, an analysis of mangrove food web interactions using ECOPATH software. Fertilizer run-off and the effects on mangrove and phytoplankton biomass methods are presented. Results derived form the previous analysis provide the information for restricting the economic production function of ecotourism, agriculture and fisheries. An optimization of profits for each activity will be carried on in order to establish management recommendations. Ecotourism is presented as an example of environmental services used by Ventanilla community. Sustainable indicators are presented highlighting the benefits of creating a cooperative as a form of common property rights. Environmental deterioration causes changes on demand and on the cooperative profits showing the value of ecosystem services and the importance of their conservation."
IASC, common pool resources, watersheds--case studies, ecosystems--models, cost benefit analysis, valuation--models, cooperatives, ecological economics--models