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Conference Paper Decentalizing Institutions for Forest Conservation in Kenya: Comparative Analysis of Resource Conservation Outcomes Under National Park and Forest Reserve Regimes in the Mt. Elgon Forest Ecosystem(2000) Mwangi, Esther; Ongugo, Paul; Njuguna, Jane"This study views decentralization of forest management as a continuum in which property rights to forest resources are transferred away from central governments or forest departments to local communities (Agrawal and Ostrom, 1999). We compare the rights user groups have to forest resources in the Mt. Elgon National Park with those of users in the Mt. Elgon Forest Reserve, and the incentives that each type of rights engenders towards forest resource conservation. We find that in the Forest Reserve, which in our construction represents a decentralized management, local community involvement in decision-making and in rule crafting and enforcement resulted in positive incentives for forest conservation. Forest condition in the Forest Reserve was found to be better than in the National Park. The National Park's policy of forbidding local consumptive use of resources and excluding local populations from making resource-related decisions, engendered animosity and considerable conflicts with the local populations. This created disincentives to local communities that are reflected in the condition of the forest. Decentralized decision-making, in this case, appears to be associated with better forest conservation outcomes."Conference Paper Effective Monitoring of Decentralized Forest Resources in East Africa(2000) Banana, Abwoli Y.; Gombya-Ssembajjwe, William S.; Bahati, Joseph; Kajembe, George; Kihiyo, V. B. M. S.; Ongugo, Paul"There is no doubt that state control of forest resources in many countries has proved to be ineffective in solving and halting the rate of deforestation. The financial and human resources available to government forest departments are inadequate to carry out the task of policing forested areas without the participation of local communities. "However, the success of decentralizing resources to local communities depends on solving three puzzles; the problem of supplying new institutions, the problem of credible commitment and the problem of mutual monitoring. "IFRI, studies in Uganda have known that monitoring and rule enforcement is very important for the success of decentralized forest resources (Banana and Gombya-Ssembajjwe 1999). Trying to understand how use-groups and/ or communities have monitored their own conformance to their agreements as well as their conformance to the rules in the E. African region is the challenge of this study. "The study revealed that an effective monitoring strategy involves having good incentives for the monitors and a mechanism to supervise or monitor the monitors themselves. Where effective was effective, there are few illegal activities, high basal area and the physical and biological condition of the CPR was expected to improve with time."Conference Paper Community Participation in the Management of Protected Forest Areas in East Africa: Opportunities and Challenges(2000) Kajembe, George; Kihiyo, V. B. M. S.; Banana, Abwoli Y.; Gombya-Ssembajjwe, William S.; Ongugo, Paul"There is a move in East Africa from centralized and state-driven forest management regimes towards decentralized and mainly community-based regimes. The paper points out some of the opportunities and challenges. Structural changes in forest policies are seen as a contributing reason that decentralization is more in tune with the prevailing ethos of governance. Similarly, economic and political crises have now discredited service delivery systems based on central bureaucracy, forcing theorists of development administration to shift their focus from hierarchy and control to participation and empowerment. Moreover, the accelerating retrenchment during the 1990s, often to comply with structural adjustment policies, occurred together with the realization that centrist management strategies need reformulation. Erosion of the legitimacy of local institutions has been cited in the paper as one of the challenges. Local institutions have no real authority to decide on the management of forest resources. Another challenge is with regard to the stratified communities. In all stratified communities, interests of some actors are represented only inadequately. Lack of political will at the centre to give powers to communities and grassroots organizations is also a challenge to community based forest management initiatives in the region. It is also important that benefits must be significant if the community is to go to the trouble of establishing and enforcing the rules about resource use. This begs the question on whether community based forest management programmes/ projects in East Africa have sufficient value to stimulate community participation. This remains a puzzle. The paper concludes by pointing out that 'Rural communities in the region are undergoing rapid social, economic, and political change, as the development and modernization process spreads and deepens"' Even if effective and viable user groups exist or can be put in place today, will they survive and persist in the face of modernization pressures? Much more needs to be known about the institutional context in which users now find themselves and the type of support that will increase the probability of sustainable management of our forest resources."