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  • Book
    Collective Action in the Locality: Institutional Theory and Research Bottom-up [DRAFT]
    (1995) Bogason, Peter
    "This book is an intermediate result of many years' struggle with canons or authorities within the social sciences. Or rather a discourse with the proponents of those canons."
  • Book
    Caring, Empathy, and the Commons: A Relational Theory of Collective Action
    (Cambridge University Press, 2023) Lejano, Raul; Lejano, Raul
    "People are not autonomous individuals but connected beings. Curae ergo sum – we care, therefore we are. Relationality – which refers to the ethic and manner by which relational considerations govern decisions and institutional arrangements can take advantage of the power of connection – uncovers how social connection, across divides, moves people to act for the other. Drawing from research on empathy, social networks, and determinants of pro-social behavior, Caring, Empathy, and the Commons builds on Ostrom’s Governing the Commons. It offers a different mechanism by which collective action is induced, arguing that, sometimes, the individual thinks not in terms of individual gain but in terms of the other. Developing this concept of relationality, this book explores various strands of literature and examines how this idea might be used to foster collective action around climate, species protection, fair trade, and other dilemmas of the commons."
  • Book
    Seed Diversity in the Drylands: Women and Farming in South India
    (2006) Pionetti, Carine
    "The author argues that a radical re-orientation of public policies is needed to support autonomous seed production. Poverty alleviation and biodiversity conservation both directly depend on: 1) Strengthening diversity-based farming systems; 2) Institutional support for decentralised seed systems; 3) Shifting policy orientations so that technical and legal developments support, rather than undermine, autonomous seed production."
  • Book
    Historia del Debate Ambiental en la Política Mundial, 1945-1992
    (Instituto de Estudios Avanzados, 2014) Estenssoro, Fernando
    "La presente es una obra de historia de las ideas políticas en el campo internacional que se originó a raíz de la necesidad de responder las preguntas sobre ¿cómo, cuándo y por qué el tema ambiental y/o medioambiental se transformó en un fenómeno prioritario de la agenda política mundial? Y, ¿cuál fue la perspectiva de América Latina frente a este tema? En este sentido, la obra se centra en un primer período de tiempo que se refiere al proceso de surgimiento e instalación del tema ambiental en la agenda política mundial, proponiendo que este primer período abarca desde 1945 hasta 1992."
  • Book
    La Ilusión de la Libertad. El Liberalismo Revolucionario en la Década de 1820 en España y América
    (Ariadna Ediciones, 2021) Chust, Manuel; Schlez, Mariano; Marchena Fernández, Juan; Loyola, Manuel
    "The volume that the reader has in his hands (or on his screen) constitutes a selection of the studies presented at the international congress '1820. The Illusion of Freedom. Revolutionary liberalism in Spain and America in the 1920s', held in Las Cabezas de San Juan and Seville in March 2020, as a way to reflect (and celebrate, of course) the bicentennial of the revolution that began the so-called Liberal Triennium Spanish. The anniversary functioned as an excuse to analyze relevant problems of the present. In this case, the congress returned to the links between a stagnant society, which had nothing else to offer, and one of the most important revolutions that took place in the Iberian Peninsula. This was done through the presentation of a set of investigations that addressed the economic, political, social and cultural aspects of the Spanish revolution of 1820, and that crossed the Ibero-American world in the first half of the 19th century. It was a collective effort, which we hope we have embodied in this compilation."
  • Book
    Pursuing Enlightenment also results in Immortality, Happiness, & Other Abilities
    (2009) Ettington, Martin
    "In this book I'd like to help the reader understand what enlightenment is, what it is not, how one can find it, and the benefits of doing so. "There are also other benefits from enlightenment including immortality, happiness, and other abilities like prophecy "Enlightenment should also be the main goal of every seeker. Other goals are distractions. Even though I talk about other benefits of enlightenment in this book I still recommend to the reader that you not be distracted from the path. "There are many detours on the path to enlightenment, and many fakers and Egotistical teachers who say they teach enlightenment but only teach devotion to themselves. The path to enlightenment is a rocky one and only a few find the truth.
  • Book
    Rural Women, Their Conditions of Work and Struggle to Organise
    (ORSTOM, 1987) Ahmad, Zubieda
    "In her paper, Zubeida Ahmad has attempted to establish a link between women's predominant role in food and agricultural production, the tasks women are generally called upon to perform, the constraints under which they operate and their need to form solidarity groups for family survival and generating income-earning activities. In this struggle for family/local food self-sufficiency, women's rights in land (or lack of them), which in turn provides an access to credit, improved inputs, technical knowledge, is considered of basic importance."
  • Book
    Jorge Insunza Becker. Escritos Políticos e Ideológicos, 1980-2015, Vol. 3
    (Ariadna Ediciones, 2022) Insunza Gregorio de las Heras, Jorge; Loyola Tapia, Manuel Enrique
    Jorge Insunza Becker (21 de abril de 1936-17 de marzo de 2019) fue uno de los principales dirigentes del Partido Comunista chileno desde los años 60. Ingresó a las Juventudes Comunistas en 1954. En 1962 fue promovido al Comité Central del PC y desde 1965 fue parte de su Comisión Política, aquella que encabezó el triunfo de Salvador Allende de 1970. Tras el Golpe de Estado de 1973, integró la primera dirección comunista en la clandestinidad que asumió la resistencia a la dictadura, junto a Víctor Díaz, Américo Zorrilla, Mario Zamorano y Uldarico Donaire. Con el retorno a la democracia, fue una de las principales figuras que abordó la crisis de los países socialistas y la reconstrucción de un proyecto de izquierda revolucionaria. Asimismo, tuvo un rol activo en los acuerdos que permitieron el retorno del PC al Congreso en 2010 e impulsó el pacto que le permitió a los comunistas volver al gobierno con la Presidenta Michelle Bachelet, el año 2014. Los 4 volúmenes que presentamos cubren buena parte de la extensa labor periodística y política de este destacado dirigente de la izquierda chilena. Ordenados en secuencia cronológica, los textos recogen lo principal de su elaboración intelectual desde la década de los 60 del siglo XX hasta inicios del XXI (tomos I, II, III). El tomo IV es una selección de lo más relevante de su trayectoria, facilitando la relación documental contenida en los volúmenes previos. Sin duda que, por la amplitud de la compilación realizada, el conjunto de esta obra será de enorme utilidad tanto para especialistas en historia, como para la consulta de interesadas/os en general. Finalmente, los aportes de Isabel Torres y Rolando Álvarez, ambos historiadores, contribuyen a realzar el significado de la actuación que le cupo a Jorge Insunza.
  • Book
    Forgotten Voters: Media Coverage in Split Congressional Districts
    (2002) Wagner, Michael W.
    "An unintended consequence of redisricting at the congressional level is that those who live in split congressional districts may be provided less media coverage of those who are running for Congress in their district. A content analysis of the major newspapers for several counties that are split into several different congressional districts finds that those who live in districts that make up a small percentage of a county receive systematically less newspaper coverage of their candidates for Congress than do those who live in the part(s) of a county that have larger percentages of it inside a different congressional district. The analysis also finds that newspaper coverage of both candidates is almost wholly a function of coverage of the candidate that ends up losing the election. Several implications are drawn from the analysis, including an argument that the information asymmetries thrust upon those living in split congressional districts can negatively impact issues of voter turnout and self-governance."
  • Book
    Estrategia Industrial de Chile para la Década de los Años 70 Documentos Inéditos 1969-1970
    (Ariadna Ediciones, 2022) Bitar, Sergio; Loyola, Manuel
    "Between 1968 and 1970 CORFO prepared one of the most complete industrial strategy proposals for Chile 1970-80. This program was not implemented and the texts remained undisclosed. The present work of historical recovery transports us to the beginning of the 70s, convulsive times that marked a turn in the country's economy and in the work of CORFO, first with the government of Salvador Allende and, later, with the dictatorship. Today, when the country embraces the idea of giving a new impetus to Chile's industrial development, it is that we must put into perspective what was done then, and on that basis imagine a new stage with ambition. As CORFO's Executive Vice President, José Miguel Benavente, expressed it in 2022, 'we want to move towards a new development model that is more inclusive and sustainable, territorially equitable and based no longer on the simple extraction and export of natural resources, but on more intensive in science, technology and innovation.'"