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Proactive Cybersecurity: A Comparative Industry and Regulatory Analysis

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dc.contributor.author Craig, Amanda
dc.contributor.author Shackelford, Scott
dc.contributor.author Hiller, Janine S.
dc.date.accessioned 2017-01-25T16:36:10Z
dc.date.available 2017-01-25T16:36:10Z
dc.date.issued 2015 en_US
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/10535/10249
dc.description.abstract "This Article analyzes recent business realities and regulatory trends shaping the proactive cybersecurity industry. To provide a framework for our discussion, we begin by describing the historical development of the industry and how it has been shaped by the applicable law in the United States and other G8 nations. We then catalogue the proactive cybersecurity practices of more than twenty companies, focusing on four case studies that we consider in the context of polycentric 'global security assemblages.' Finally, we assess the emergence of proactive cybersecurity norms, both within industry and international law, and consider the implications of this movement on contemporary Internet governance debates about the role of the public and private sectors in regulating cyberspace. Ultimately, we maintain that proactive cybersecurity, especially if pursued with improved legal clarity and global cooperation, demonstrates an opportunity for polycentric partnerships to result in better protected IT assets." en_US
dc.language English en_US
dc.subject cybersecurity en_US
dc.subject polycentricity en_US
dc.title Proactive Cybersecurity: A Comparative Industry and Regulatory Analysis en_US
dc.type Journal Article en_US
dc.type.published published en_US
dc.type.methodology Case Study en_US
dc.subject.sector Information & Knowledge en_US
dc.identifier.citationjournal American Business Law Journal en_US

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