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Resource Management in Fire Fighting Organizations: Lessons from the Buncefield Oil Depot Fire and the Greek 2007 Forest Fires

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dc.contributor.author Chlimintza, Elpida Melpomeni en_US
dc.date.accessioned 2009-07-31T14:27:57Z
dc.date.available 2009-07-31T14:27:57Z
dc.date.issued 2008 en_US
dc.date.submitted 2008-10-24 en_US
dc.date.submitted 2008-10-24 en_US
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/10535/105
dc.description.abstract "This paper explores critical issues in a front-line, emergency service the fire brigade in Greece and Britain during crisis management. I examine three aspects of crisis management in the Greek and British fire brigade: first, how the resources of the fire fighting organizations are deployed on the incident grounds, second the incident management hindrances and finally, the fundamental reasons behind various impediments to the effective management of crises. Two cases will be examined, compared and contrasted: the emergency response to the forest fires that devastated Greece during the summer of 2007 and the Buncefield oil depot fire that erupted in Hertfordshire, in 2005. For a period of over three months, the 2007 emergency necessitated an effective response to successive and simultaneous fires around Greece. The Buncefield operations, on the other hand, lasted for three days. In contrast to the 2007 fires in Greece, during the Buncefield operations, fire fighters responded to multiple fires in a single area. Despite these differences, both cases were characterized as major incidents, both involved the response of different agencies and both required a unified command structure for the coordination of the different organizations. Moreover, both raised environmental concerns, as their results spilled over from local to international areas and both inflicted substantial damage to state and private property. As such, the nature and crisis management of both incidents share certain characteristics whose examination can teach us valuable lessons for making improvements in the future." en_US
dc.subject deforestation en_US
dc.subject forestry en_US
dc.subject fire protection en_US
dc.subject resource management en_US
dc.subject decision making en_US
dc.title Resource Management in Fire Fighting Organizations: Lessons from the Buncefield Oil Depot Fire and the Greek 2007 Forest Fires en_US
dc.type Conference Paper en_US
dc.coverage.region Europe en_US
dc.coverage.country Greece en_US
dc.subject.sector Forestry en_US
dc.subject.sector Social Organization en_US
dc.identifier.citationmonth July en_US
dc.identifier.citationconference Governing Shared Resources: Connecting Local Experience to Global Challenges, the Twelfth Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Commons en_US
dc.identifier.citationconfdates July 14-18, 2008 en_US
dc.identifier.citationconfloc Cheltenham, England en_US
dc.submitter.email elsa_jin@yahoo.com en_US

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