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A Sustainable Energy Scenario for the United States: Year 2050

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Type: Journal Article
Author: Tonn, Bruce; Frymier, Paul; Graves, Jared; Meyers, Jessa
Journal: Sustainability
Volume: 2
Page(s): 3650-3680
Date: 2010
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/10535/6997
Sector: General & Multiple Resources
Region: North America
Subject(s): sustainability
Abstract: "This paper presents a scenario depicting life in the United States in the year 2050. The scenario is designed to achieve energy sustainability: fossil fuels and corn ethanol have been replaced by other sustainable and inexhaustible energy sources. The scenario describes the disappearance of the suburbs, replaced by a mix of high density urban centers and low density eco-communities. A suite of advanced technologies and significant social changes underpin the scenario. Analysis of the energy implications inherent in the scenario suggest that total US energy consumption would be around 100 quads in 2050, approximately the same as in the year 2010 despite a forecasted population increase of 130 million."

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