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The Rudiments of a Revised Theory of the Origins, Survival, and Performance of Institutions for Collective Action

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Type: Conference Paper
Author: Ostrom, Elinor
Conference: Common Property Resource Management, Board on Science and Technology for International Development (BOSTID)
Location: Annapolis, Maryland
Conf. Date: April
Date: 1985
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/10535/8225
Sector: Social Organization
Subject(s): Workshop
collective action
institutional analysis--IAD framework
Abstract: "The apprent contradiction between some of our cases and the current interpretation given to major theories of collective action led me to re-examine the theories of Garrett Hardin and Mancur Olson to ascertain if these theories had been adequately understood. Given space constraints, I can only summarize my conclusions here. Garrett Hardin's theory is generally well-understood and the empirical evidence presented in some of the case studies represents a challenge to his theory. On the other hand, Mancur Olson's theory is not well-understood due in part to a lack of consistency and clarity in his original presentation."

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