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Participatory Learning and Communication Approaches for Manging Pluralism

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dc.contributor.author Ramírez, Ricardo
dc.date.accessioned 2012-10-26T18:07:29Z
dc.date.available 2012-10-26T18:07:29Z
dc.date.issued 1998 en_US
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/10535/8472
dc.description.abstract "Using participatory learning and communication tools for a better understanding of natural resource management. Consider three blind people, each feeling different parts of an elephant--the trunk, the tail and the leg--and thereafter describing three very different 'animals. They could bring together their descriptions and agree on one 'common elephant'. In such a case, their perceptions would have been enriched by a group learning process which created new common meaning beyond individual experiences. But group learning for natural resource management is substantially more complex." en_US
dc.language English en_US
dc.subject pluralism en_US
dc.subject participatory management en_US
dc.subject forest management en_US
dc.title Participatory Learning and Communication Approaches for Manging Pluralism en_US
dc.type Journal Article en_US
dc.type.published published en_US
dc.type.methodology Case Study en_US
dc.publisher.workingpaperseries Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy en_US
dc.subject.sector Forestry en_US
dc.identifier.citationjournal Unasylva en_US
dc.identifier.citationvolume 49 en_US
dc.identifier.citationpages 43-51 en_US
dc.identifier.citationnumber 194 en_US

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